

Two shows comin' up next week. Thursday 17/3 we're playing the Frontline club in Ghent, together with Silver & Gold and The Proof for an evening of heavy rockin' action. Saturday 19/3 we're flying over to Holland for a show in Arnhem with the rockers of 'Bandito'. Be sure to get your bangover on one of these dates.

We're always lookin' for new chances to wreak havoc. Contact us on werewolvesandyouaintshit@hotmail.com  for all your backyard bbq's, gay weddings and Dynamo Open Airs. Thank you.



Hi y'all. It has been a little quiet on the We'rewolves front, but we haven't been sitting on our asses. We have done a lot of writing in the past months and it looks as if this shit is coming together. 2011 should bring you a new We'rewolves record as a follow up to Cosmic Shit Hammer. Only, this time around it's gonna be a full flexed full length album of uncut, gritty rock 'n roll mayhem. So you better start resting your ears. Recordings should take place somewhere in summer. We'll keep you posted.